Is homeschooling for everyone?

Almost all parents are capable of homeschooling, but homeschooling is not for every parent or every child. There are many factors to consider when deciding whether to educate your child at home or put them in a classroom. Lifestyle, career, health, and time all play a role in homeschool success. In this article, I will discuss some questions to ask yourself when deciding if homeschooling is for you. Do you or your family have special circumstances that may interfere with your ability to make the most of homeschooling? Although there are various online or text book curriculums and programs available for all different abilities and learning styles, situations will arise when your child needs some sort of help. If you are not equipped or able to tend to their needs due to an illness, disability, or home disruptions, your child can fall behind. Perhaps your child has a disability that requires resources or special training that you don’t possess. In unique cases such as these, homeschooling may not be the best option for your family. Do you have the patience, flexibility, and time to educate your child at home? Do you enjoy spending time with your kids? All of these are necessary for homeschool success If you have a career outside of the home, a busy social schedule, or other factors that do not allow you the flexibility to homeschool, a traditional school setting may be a better option. Additionally, people who do not enjoy spending a great deal of time with their kids or are not in a financial, mental, or emotional position to spend time at home while their children learn are likely better off sending their kids to school.  For me it was all about the investment I was putting in my children so that they could be my sadaqa jariya after I pass away.  Ask yourself why you want to homeschool.  If you think you have what it takes to homeschool, take the tips I discuss in the next article, and go for it! 

Can we Make Homeschooling More Fun?

With homeschooling gaining popularity, there is an increasing number of parents who are looking for ways to make homeschooling fun.  How can parents make homeschooling more fun? Think outside the box! Cooking a simple recipe incorporates reading, science, and math. When age appropriate, it’s rewarding for children to prepare, cook, and then eat their own creations. Maybe you have a future chef on your hands! Play educational games. When appropriate, reward your child with screen time to play games that require creativity or critical thinking. Watch educational videos and documentaries. There are many free resources available online for homeschool parents. Follow your child’s cues. When they seem fidgety or bored, perhaps it’s time for a break. One of the many joys of homeschooling is not having scheduled breaks, and instead allowing your child’s natural behavior to indicate when they need a quick time out from their work. Sometimes five minutes of running around outside or stretching is all they need. Look into various homeschooling co-ops to see if any are a good fit for your family. Check out homeschool days at museums, zoos, and aquariums. These are opportunities for kids to socialize while learning. Many wood shops, arts and craft companies, music academies, and kid gyms offer memberships or special discounts for homeschool days. Additionally, involvement in these activities sometimes exposes a child’s knack for something that may have gone unnoticed in a traditional classroom setting. Do some research into the best curriculum and homeschool style for you and your child. There are quizzes you can take online to help guide you. Most importantly, relax and enjoy this special time with your child.

Has homeschooling changed in the last few years?

According to the National Home Education Research Institute, the home school population grew dramatically from the 2019/2020 to the 2020/2021 school year. As parents, we have grown accustomed to always having on demand entertainment to occupy our children’s time. Boredom can be seen as a negative factor when considering home school life. The stigma that homeschooling is boring is one that many parents fear, and some allow to prevent them from taking that leap into the world of becoming their child’s educator. Oftentimes, when people think of homeschooling, they imagine a child forced to sit at a desk alone all day without any social interaction. Some feel that lacking the resources that are available in classrooms across the country will reduce their child’s attention and engagement in assignments. These are legitimate and common concerns for parents. A frequent question I get as a homeschooling parent is, “Is homeschooling boring?”. It can be, depending on the education approach as well as the child. However, boredom isn’t always bad and may actually be beneficial to a child’s growth and skill development. When kids are bored, they are forced to use their imaginations, which can expose talents and interests that may have been masked by constant busyness. When children approach us with “I’m bored,” we are presented with an opportunity to encourage them to hone in on their natural talents, try a new skill, or use their imaginations. I’ve heard children say school is boring. Whether learning in a brick and mortar school or learning at home, there will typically be moments when children lack interest in the current lesson or assignment. Unlike a classroom setting, homeschooling presents parents with opportunities to tailor lessons to their child’s unique learning styles.

Halal Entertainment for Muslims!

Bismillahhe Rahmanee Raheem
SubhanAllaah I often hear that “Our religion is boring, we can’t do anything!”  Alhamdullilah it is not from my kids, but from other kids.  I then reflect why do these kids think this way?  SubhanAllaah we have the best religion in the world, and the best holidays as well as the best way to have fun.
The problem is that many people have no clue how to have real fun versus what people call fun.  The media, TV, magazines and even books display having fun means one must dance, listen to music, be with the opposite gender, wearing inappropriate clothing, behaving in an inappropriate way, drinking alcohol, smoking or even doing drugs.  The list can continue my dearest sisters and brothers, but any righteous person knows that this is a deception from Shaytaan and it is not real fun.
Now, that we know the problem let’s try to solve it inshAllaah.  So what is real fun?  How can we as Muslims have real fun?  InshAllaah I have a list of ways you and your family can have fun and make memories.
1.       Play board games: Junior Qu’raan Challenge, Qur’aan Challenge, or Hadith Challenge.
2.       If it snows in your area, go outside and play in the snow and make a snow forte.
3.       In the evenings tell stories, while sipping on hot chocolate with whip cream.
4.       Have Family night where the entire family sleeps in one room on the floor and talks about what is going on in their lives.  Everyone listens and respects each   other.
5.       Have a dinner party and invite friends over.
6.       Go to the Mosque and listen to a good lecture.
7.       Remodel a room and get everyone to help.
8.       Go to a Museum or an Aquarium.
9.       Watch a video on as a family.  My kids love to share their favorite videos.
10.   Visit family or friends.  Especially those who are sick.
InshAllaah you can see the list can go on, but you get the point.  The most important thing is that you are with your family and you all enjoy being together no matter what you are doing inshAllaah.

Homeschooling Online

If you have chosen to homeschool online then you most likely have decided to use one of the free online schools. The online schools take a lot of the parent work out of homeschooling. For example when the child logs into school each day the schools website keeps track of his attendance. You do not have to decide on the program you want because the school already has one in place. All you have to do is help your child with the daily lessons and send in his work for a teacher to see. This way is very good if you want less involvement. But there are some other things that may be drawbacks to online homeschooling.
First you have to have a computer. I know in today’s society there are many households that have a computer or more than one computers so this may not be a problem but if you do not have a computer you will have to purchase one or rent one from the school. Renting a computer is never a good idea in case something happens to it while you have it then you will have to replace it, it is better just to purchase the computer and get it over with.
You have to have a reliable internet connection. Also is not a problem in most cases nearly everyone has one. It has to be reliable because your child will have to log on to the school website so that he can get his lessons and attendance can be counted. If your internet connection goes out then your child will miss a day of school. This will put him behind and he will have to catch up.
The days are fully planned. When you log on you will see a daily and weekly planner. Each day has 5-8 lessons that you should teach that day. If you get them all done early that is good but this many lessons can take a while leaving less time for any other activities to be planned. Your child will spend most in not all of his day in front of the computer and if your child is older the lessons will be longer.
Online homeschooling has its advantages and disadvantages just as pretty much everything else. If you are a parent that works at home and use the computer then you will need two computers or you and your child will have to share the computer. You can also choose one of the schools that are online but can be taught offline. The only time the child will have to be online is to take the daily test and record attendance. There are a variety of ways you can choose to do homeschooling if you choose online homeschooling.
You and your family have to sit down and decide if you want to homeschool online or offline there are a lot of advantages and disadvantages to weigh and homeschooling online is not right for every family especially if you are homeschooling more than one child and if you only have one computer. Discuss it to see if it is right for you.

Homeschooling Programs

When looking for a homeschool program that is right for your family you will discover that there are dozens to choose from. Many parents that have been homeschooling for many years will choose the ones that they like best from each program. For example if they like the math program from one publisher but the English from another you can mix and match to create the right program for you and your children. There are a few guidelines that you need to consider when choosing your homeschool program. For me it is about does it fit in our way of life. Is the material teaching good things or not.
Identify your child’s learning style each child learn differently and if you are homeschooling more than one child they will all learn differently than the other. Is your child one that can learn from reading out of a book, by listening to the lesson taught by you reading or on a DVD or is your child more hands on and learns by doing? When choosing a homeschool program this is the first thing you need to decide.
What is your teaching style? The next step is to decide which way you like to teach. Are you a more hands on teacher and like to be by your child’s side at all times teaching or are you a parent that likes to get things started and allow the child to work on their own. Your teaching style is as important as your child’s learning style when you are trying to decide on which homeschool program to use. If you and the child are not happy then homeschooling will not be a happy experience. Also if you find a program you do not like you can always choose to pick another one next year.
Create a budget unless you are going with one of the free online schools then you will need a budget. If you are one a single income where you have to make a budget then you need to make a place in your budget for your home school materials. They can be expensive if you want your child to learn a lot of different things. Be careful there are a lot of homeschool parents that overspend on things they don’t need. When you first start out everything will look good and you will say well that will be good to learn but remember your child will be in homeschool for 13 years and that is plenty of time to get it all in. You do not have to overwork your child with things you want them to know.
Choose your program Now that you know your child’s learning style, your teaching style, and you have added homeschool into your budget it is time to choose your program. This is not an easy task because there are so many. Remember that you may not choose the right one first because there are so many but by knowing what you are looking for gives you a better chance of getting it right the first time and making homeschool a positive experience for your whole family. May Allaah make this journey easy for you and accept your sacrifices. Ameen


Homeschool Requirements

Homeschooling requirements vary from state to state and from online to offline schools. If you choose to use an online school check with that school to find out what the requirements are and if you choose to use an offline school so that you can be in more control of what you are teaching check with your state’s homeschooling association. Here are some of the basic homeschooling requirements throughout all the states. Continue reading

Home School VS Public School

Depending on whom you ask you will get different responses. I will uncover some of the things that will help you decide if homeschool is better or worse than public schools.
First let’s talk about the classroom. In a public school you have a room full of students every one different than the rest. This means that there will be times a lesson has to be taught more than one time so that the teacher makes sure every child understands the lesson. Continue reading